Quiraing lands Isle of Skye...
Hannahs Images£115.00
Thank you for visiting my shop, please come back again soon as I post up new listings every week or come and see me at either of the following art fairs: Hungerford (22nd March) or Abingdon (29th March)
I was the slightly awkward, partially sighted kid who was quick to defend others but crumbled when comments were aimed at me, no self-confidence. I was very aware that I see the world so differently from those around me.
Then, at college, my art teacher told me not to worry so much about it as “most people just look but only a few really see”. Thanks to her, I started to learn to really see the world around me.
Then in October 2015, my perspective on life changed dramatically. Cycling home one day I was knocked off my bike by another cyclist and was knocked out cold. I had suffered a TBI, a traumatic brain injury. After years of recovery focusing at first on learning to talk properly again and basic things like remembering to eat and wash, I started to loose myself in my art again.
Art was my escape, a chance to forget about what had happened and put the day-to-day slog of dealing with chronic fatigue to one side, and just be me. I learnt to slow down.
Now I want to share my story and hopefully my art will encourage others to follow their passion. And just maybe this shy girl has had a little confidence knocked into her! Welcome to how I see the world. I hope you like it.
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