Here are some Lavender Stitches for you…..
I design and hand embroider everything in my shop. I only make one of each item ….. so a unique gift, many are gift wrapped too, making a perfect gift.
I hope you enjoy browsing around my hand embroidered Lavender Stitches….Thank you for visiting.
I started embroidering as a small child and have had a sewing needle in my hand ever since! The first thing I finished, was a handkerchief embroidered with flowers in the corner in lazy daisy stitch....still my favourite embroidery stitch today, I use it in all my embroidery.
I trained as a teacher in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, one of the subjects I studied was Textile Crafts. A fantastic course, I learnt how to weave, sew, screen print, crotchet, stitch, do beadwork and, creative embroidery. I taught young children and adult educators, and textile crafts was my relaxing pastime.....waiting to be become more, when retired. That time has come.... l converted my office into my Sewing Room. I keep all my buttons, beads, threads, fabrics and sewing machine there. It’s a lovely light and airy space for me to be creative and hand embroider, as I listen to music.
My garden with its flowers, lavender and visiting birds is a peaceful place, a source of inspiration for colours and shapes. I’ve been lucky to visit many countries and am inspired by the architecture and textile art of each country I visit.
I love the creativity of using threads, beads, fabrics and interesting combinations of colour, to create texture within the small pictures I hand embroider. I’m always buying buttons, beads, threads, wooden motifs, felt and fabrics and have quite a collection. A button, motif or piece of fabric is the inspiration for each hand embroidered picture I create. Around a button or motif, my needle creates a small textile picture with colourful threads and beads. I make these hand embroidered pictures into greeting cards, brooches, lavender bags, home decorations and textile bags.
Why the name Lavender Stitches? Well.... the colour purple, lavender and its lovely fragrance, and embroidery stitches are my three favourite things..... so I’ve put them together!
Embroidery is a traditional craft ..... Lavender Stitches shows hand embroidery in a contemporary way, celebrating the art of textile stitch.
I hope I’ll be able to send some of my contemporary hand embroidery to you enjoy or, to give as a gift.
Thank you for supporting Lavender Stitches.
Elaine Hallet
Reviewed by katrinachaffe
Reviewed by Caroline
It will make a lovely personal gift, with a wonderful aroma.
This is so bright and cheerful. I am thrilled with my purchase thank you.