Fire Light - 2ply yarn
Yarn Piskie£30.00
Hi, my name's Yzella. I'm a hand spinner, knitter and all round creative from Cornwall.
Here you'll find all things fibre arts - from hand spun yarn, to knitted frogs, wearable items and even fibres ready to use in your own spinning and felting projects.
Sustainability is something I feel is incredibly important when taking part in any art form, therefor, I tend to use only natural fibres within my hand spun products, with any synthetic materials being second hand or scrap material. I also aim to use locally sourced wool where I can to further limit my impact on the environment. All materials used will be specified within each product!
Please enjoy taking a look at my shop and all that is available! You can also check out my Ko-Fi account where I post new products at a lower price <3
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