All items by RuthsKnitandWeave

  • 100% Pure New Wool Superwash 7 yr old child's jumper in pink and light grey

    100% Pure New Wool Superwas...


    £24.00 £15.00 (38% off)

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  • Hand woven dishcloths made from 100% cotton - no plastic microfibres

    Hand woven dishcloths made ...



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About RuthsKnitandWeave


I love to weave and knit with yarns that are environmentally friendly - no plastic fibres

I weave on a variety of hand looms having started on a Rigid Heddle loom 10 years or so ago and I love the craft. It is satisfying to make things that other people are going to enjoy. Since retirement I have more time and spend most of it working in my weaving studio.

I also knit on a home knitting machine having been a hand knitter since a child. I soon discovered that knitting machines require a huge amount of hand manipulation so are very much a 'hand craft' but is quite a different experience to hand knitting and very interesting. I enjoy creating garment designs with computer software.