
Joanna Miskiewicz

“Citadel, Vallejo, Tamiya Paint Rack, Plywood Storage Boxes and other "Creations"”

All items by OneMoreCraft

  • Citadel Paint Rack, Paint Storage

    Citadel Paint Rack, Paint S...



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  • Tamiya Paint Rack, Paint Storage

    Tamiya Paint Rack, Paint St...



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  • Succulent Stand

    Succulent Stand



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About OneMoreCraft


Design and production of high quality stands and paint racks

Hello everyone, we are a couple of creative people that can't sit in one place and have heads full of new ideas.
Creating something out of nothing gives us a massive satisfaction.
We do have day to day jobs as a electronics assembly, but we do what we can to grow our small business into full time work for both of us

**What we do?**
We design and produce high quality paint racks and other plywood creations designed to fit our customers needs
**What inspire us?**

That's and easy one!
We are inspired mostly by our customers needs and our hunger to create something unique
**Where the idea came from?**

Well... it was an accident?
We used to work at a different place back then as a various machines and large format printers operators ( we just wanted to learn every possible machine in the factory... and we did it :smile: )
My manager then (a scale model maker) said that he need to get a paint rack from somewhere for all those paint he's got, because he's running out of space on his bench.
So.. having access to machines like Beam Saw, CNC and a Large UV Printer as well as Plywood I have quickly designed my first paint rack (in a secret during my working hours :smile: )
It turned out that I did enjoy it and I've made a couple more stands...
Then we have opened our first online store and... this is actually selling :blush:
But we are not only focused on making paint racks, we do different things from time to time like:
-Crochet stuff
-Cat Beds
-3D Printed items (our own designs)
-We do have plans to start making Cat's playgrounds
-And then... let's just do One More Craft eh? :D
**That answers the next question...**

Yes... we do have 2 black cat's
No.. non of us is considered to be a witch or to deal with any kind of witchcraft, even know it's a craft