Och Now Bookmarks

“Och Now offers a stunning collection of hand-made premium leather bookmarks, meticulously crafted to elevate your reading experience.”

Shop Announcement:

Welcome to Och Now. As we are a brand new shop there are a few designs listed but we will be adding many more regularly.
If you have any enquiries or questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Please check back regularly for more exciting designs.

All items by Och Now Bookmarks

  • Leather Bookmark with Stephen King Quote

    Leather Bookmark with Steph...

    Och Now Bookmarks


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  • Garrison Keillor Quote Leather Bookmark

    Garrison Keillor Quote Leat...

    Och Now Bookmarks


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About Och Now Bookmarks

Och Now Bookmarks

Och Now offers a stunning collection of hand-made premium leather bookmarks, meticulously crafted to elevate your reading experience.

I'm a seasoned leather artisan with 12 years of experience crafting bespoke pieces for theatres, film, and TV studios. My journey has been one of meticulous skill-building, a dedication to the craft that has taken me behind the scenes of storytelling in its most visual forms.
I am continuing to explore and make more designs that celebrate the union of leather art and literature. Here's to the stories we love and the marks we make along the way.