Mish Mash Mosh

“A mishmash of craftiness with a bit of mosh thrown in for good measure :)”

Shop collections

All items by Mish Mash Mosh

  • Busy Buzzy Bees - Hand painted wooden needle grip tool for needle felting

    Busy Buzzy Bees - Hand pain...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Little Star Nosed Mole Ornament

    Little Star Nosed Mole Orna...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Little Pink Fairy Armadillo Ornament

    Little Pink Fairy Armadillo...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Little love rat - needle felted brown rat mouse ornament

    Little love rat - needle fe...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Freestanding Hedgehog Decoration

    Freestanding Hedgehog Decor...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Little Jenny Wren - cute needle felted bird ornament

    Little Jenny Wren - cute ne...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Eggbert! Funny needle felted chick ornament

    Eggbert! Funny needle felte...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Pair of Lovebirds - sweet needle felted birds

    Pair of Lovebirds - sweet n...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Pidj - quirky needle felted pigeon ornament

    Pidj - quirky needle felted...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Fattus Rattus - needle felted grey rat mouse ornament

    Fattus Rattus - needle felt...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Needle felted green frog ornament

    Needle felted green frog or...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Hootie Babbie! Needle felted Baby Owl ornament

    Hootie Babbie! Needle felte...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Round Robin - needle felted robin ornament

    Round Robin - needle felted...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Flatpack Rainbow - felted rainbow with cloud stand - postable gift

    Flatpack Rainbow - felted r...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Needle felted Rainbow ornament

    Needle felted Rainbow ornament

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • BeeBow - needle-felted rainbow bee hanging decoration (charity donation)

    BeeBow - needle-felted rain...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • TransBee - needle-felted bee ornament in transgender colours (charity donation)

    TransBee - needle-felted be...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • EnBee - needle-felted bee decoration in non binary colours (charity donation)

    EnBee - needle-felted bee d...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • Sproutastic! Needle felted sprout bauble

    Sproutastic! Needle felted ...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  • "Bee Humbug!" needle felted Bah Humbug christmas bee bauble

    "Bee Humbug!" needle felted...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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  •  Hand painted rainbow wooden needle grip tool for needle felting

    Hand painted rainbow woode...

    Mish Mash Mosh

    £5.00 £3.50 (30% off)

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  • Hand painted wooden needle grip tool for felting - orange with yellow flowers

    Hand painted wooden needle ...

    Mish Mash Mosh


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About Mish Mash Mosh

Mish Mash Mosh

A mishmash of craftiness with a bit of mosh thrown in for good measure.

Autistic, Artistic - living and working in West Yorkshire on the edge of the Peak district.

Before Mish Mash Mosh, there was cheerymishmash, and before cheerymishmash, there was a small boy in a shop who didn't like ANY of the t-shirts! The small boy was my son and the problem was rectified by my designing and making him some that he DID like. cheerymishmash was born and evolved into creating all things cute and funky for the children's market.

Both boy and mishmash have grown up. Boy into a superb adult with slightly less funky t-shirts, and cheerymishmash into Mish Mash Mosh...well I say 'grown up'...it's all relative really eh!? ;)

These days at MishMashMosh you'll mostly find all things cute and funky made from fluff and stuff, alongside wire and felt creations reflecting my love of British birds and other wildlife.
Having the attention span of a goldfish swimming in a bowl of coffee, I've always got a half an eye on the next new thing to play with too though, so you can expect to find things 'other' dropped into the shop from time to time too!

MishMashMosh and Plastics - We're not perfect but we're trying :)
Please be reassured that there are no hidden plastics inside my felted creations. I make the core shapes for my critters from wool and wire. I don't use plastic fillers or polystryrene cores to shape my work around.
I DO sometimes use acrylic paint and varnishes in my work, and some of my hanging threads and wires are plastic or plastic coated for lack of suitable alternatives.
My kits DO currently contain a foam sponge felting block, but I am trying to source suitable and affordable alternatives.
Where possible, I avoid using any plastic packaging, but if you do find any in your parcel, please be reassured that it has been reused/recycled from packaging coming into my home. I have never bought bubble wrap and never intend to, yet always seem to have far too much of the stuff!


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