Felted Rabbit-Foot-Stool
Like most crafters, it all started with a hobby that turned into an addiction - that was over ten years ago. I started teaching people to needlefelt around eight years ago and I loved it, travelling to venues all over the country. I now have my own workshop near Taunton in Somerset where I can both work and teach, but I still travel - so if you would like to book me to run a class do get in touch.
I have recently finished writing a book on needlefelting for Crowood Press which will be published soon.
My 'Furzies' are mostly characters that I make for my own amusement, but they do have to leave home sometimes to make room for more. I also work on commission and the most unusual commission - so far - was for a large white rabbit to hang upsidedown from a hole in a ceiling!
As a family we are lovers of lurchers, but sadly just lost our fourth rescue - Banksy - to old age. We are about to start looking for another couch pup, so please buy something from me and help to keep a lurcher in luxury!
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