Als Wood Turner

Alistair Symonds

“Wood turner of beautiful, decorative, quirky and unique items. ”

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All items by Als Wood Turner

  • Beautiful and one off, turned wooden Tree Rootball bowl with cherry wood base.

    Beautiful and one off, turn...

    Als Wood Turner


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  • Decorative Hand Crafted from Oak, a Wooden Storage box

    Decorative Hand Crafted fro...

    Als Wood Turner


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  • Handcrafted Turned Wooden Trinket or Coin Bowl.

    Handcrafted Turned Wooden T...

    Als Wood Turner


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  • Woodturned Bowl, Hand Crafted from Beautiful Spalted Silver Birch.

    Woodturned Bowl, Hand Craft...

    Als Wood Turner


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About Als Wood Turner

Als Wood Turner

Turning pieces of wood into unique and highly decorative objects.

I am a retired electrical engineer who has found pleasure in working with wood. This has been furthered once I got a wood turning lathe.
Each object I make has started from a fairly plain piece of wood and letting the wood lead me towards the finished piece, gives me great satisfaction and helps clear my head.