Hello and welcome. I make jewellery out of hand rolled paper beads which I sell in aid of the St Wilfrid's centre for vulnerable and homeless adults. Check out their website https://www.stwilfridscentre.org/
I use recycled paper and I get inspiration from the colour of the paper and whichever pre-loved beads I could find to complement my design - This means that no two pieces are alike.
I add new creations every few weeks, so please feel free to come and browse again and again for that one-of-a-kind piece. If you like what you see and want to buy more than one piece, then please let me know as I am very happy to combine postage for you.
Two things happened with I headed for retirement a couple of years ago: I attended a workshop on making beads out of paper and I started volunteering at the cafe of St Wilfrid's Centre for vulnerable and homeless adults. The first was great fun and made me realise that I could sit still long enough to roll strips of paper to turn them into beads and that I could be creative in my own unique way - The second filled me with awe at the amazing work that St Wilfrid's Centre does, often with a very limited budget.
I started to make paper bead jewellery for myself and gradually showed my work to close friends. Their response was so encouraging that I decided to venture into having jewellery sales in aid of St Wilfrid's.
And now, here I am, trying to reach a wider audience with my recycled paper jewellery - all in aid of St Wilfrid's.
The part of me who loves to wear different jewellery every day thinks that there are other people out there who would welcome the opportunity to have unique, fun, environmentally friendly pieces of jewellery at a very reasonable price. And hopefully buyers will get a sense of satisfaction from knowing they are also supporting a very good cause.
Yes, the jewellery is very reasonably priced but the money could make a real difference: the price of a bracelet and/or earrings could help St Wilfrid's pay for a rough sleeper pack. The cost of a necklace would pay for 5 hot meals
Two more things to mention: Firstly, about the material I use: I recycle wrapping paper, magazines, flyers and old maps purchased from charity shops. I also occasionally use non paper beads by recycling pre-loved beads, all also purchased from charity shops. But the 'findings' and all other material are purchased new (for obvious hygiene reasons).
Secondly about my logo: I have spelt the name of the business (Loved and Rolled) in beads and then tore the paper I printed it on and placed it in (nearly) every photo. This is a reminder that this is all a bit of fun, it is quirky and nothing is perfect in life!
If you want to know more, feel free to access my FB page
Information about St Wilfrid's Centre can be found on
Reviewed by Diane
Lovely earrings at an incredibly reasonable price from this great seller-and the proceeds go to charity too!
Reviewed by Christine
Absolutely stunning piece of jewelry I bought as a gift. Well made, well constructed and an eye catching addition to an outfit. Thankyou! Love it.
Reviewed by Diane
Lovely little pair of earrings-slightly Matisse inspired I thought.Quick delivery, great communication and all the money goes to a charity local to the seller.
Not my first purchase from this seller and I'm sure it won't be the last.
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