Crocheted bag tablet holder
The Crochety Rabbit£30.00
I'm Anne, and I live in the beautiful county of Cumbria in the north of England with my lovely husband and grown up son. I've been crocheting for almost 50 years and love experimenting with new ideas, as well as making more traditional designs. Everything I crochet is made with love and care - I always say there's a wee bit of my soul in everything I make. I love being able to curl up in a chair and listen to an audio book or the radio whilst I crochet - sometimes whatever I'm listening to infiltrates my crochet - which is why I have a crocheted dog called Harry which I made whilst listening to the Harry Potter audio books! Mainly I crochet in acrylic yarn and cotton, but have also used coloured garden twine and paper string to make baskets and hats. I make the pads for my cushions myself too. When I'm not crocheting you'll find me making jewellery or painting or in the kitchen baking with my son - we're developing a recipe book together - and it's a great excuse to try out lots of yummy ideas! I hope you enjoy looking at what I make and hope to be able to tempt you to buy something sometime. Thanks for visiting my shop here on Folksy and please come back again soon.
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