£19.00 £15.00 (21% off)
£20.00 £18.00 (10% off)
£6.00 £5.00 (17% off)
£6.00 £5.00 (17% off)
I'm Wendy, based in the heart of Devon and surrounded by beautiful countryside. Ever since I can remember I have been doodling, drawing and making things.
I enjoy lots of crafts but most of my gifts are created using pyrography, meaning to draw with fire, which is the art of decorating wood and other materials by burning a design on the surface.
A burning tool is used to which you attach differing nibs and various techniques can be achieved by varying the heat. The appeal for me is the textures that can be achieved offering a rustic and natural beauty.
Colour can be used to accent and complement the work. I tend to use watercolour pencils as they allow the texture of the wood to show through.
I am inspired by nature and the things around me and when I am not creating I like to be out in the countryside or at the beach. I am lucky enough to live in a lovely part of the country and there are many places to visit but one of my favourite places is the forest not far from me where I like to go for long walks with my family. It is especially pretty in the autumn with all the magnificent colours.
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions just let me know.
Reviewed by Catherine
Such a beautiful bookmark
Bought as a gift and loved already
Reviewed by Deborah
Beautiful bookmark. Well made and a lovely gift
Love these handcrafted items, thank you.
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