Upcycling Textile Studio

“Second Time Around Upcycling Textile Studio”

Shop Announcement:

Hi, I am so glad you found me, you might already know me from my other shop Bags of Elegance, but here at the Upcycling Textile Studio you will find that all of the items have been upcycled from something old to something new.
The kimono dressing gowns are a favourite of mine and are all made from duvet covers or lightweight curtains

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Patchwork Quilts by Upcycling Textile Studio

  • Patchwork quilt cot quilt pram cover poly cotton knee quilt lap quilt blanket

    Patchwork quilt cot quilt p...

    Upcycling Textile Studio


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  • patchwork quilt lap quilt knee quilt bed runner homeware cot quilt knee blanket

    patchwork quilt lap quilt k...

    Upcycling Textile Studio


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  • patchwork quilt lap quilt knee quilt bed runner homeware cot quilt knee blanket

    patchwork quilt lap quilt k...

    Upcycling Textile Studio


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  • Patchwork quilt homewares knee blanket lap quilt cot quilt bed runner

    Patchwork quilt homewares k...

    Upcycling Textile Studio


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